And here we go again for a new season, the ninth, for Death in Paradise. 9 years already, this internationally successful series has set up its shooting equipment in Deshaies, giving unprecedented lighting to our magnificent commune. Even if in these police investigations, the action is supposed to take place on the imaginary island of Sainte Marie, many people have recognized the essential sites of Deshaies and its surroundings. But it was also a revelation for the English-speaking public who soon came to discover Deshaies, a tour of the filming locations and a visit to some sets is even offered.

A new season therefore, with its share of twists and turns, (let's not spoil it, the 8th season is just beginning to be broadcast on France 2). Shooting began at the end of April and ended in mid-September. And today, our Bas Vent district was in the spotlight for the shooting of scenes all day long.

Helios Travel. Gestion immobilière. Carte professionnelle n° : CPI97112017000020570


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